Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Day Two

Once again, this is my pledge to write for at least a half hour every day:

I am participating in the American Cancer Society’s challenge to write for thirty minutes each day in May. I do a lot of writing and I can meet this challenge. What I plan to do is make a blog entry each day with what I’ve written.

I wanted to participate in memory of loved ones who fought cancer bravely but succumbed:

My brother-in-law Jeff

My sister-in-law Ann

My dear friend Kay

I also wanted to help raise money to support research and a cure for all those who are currently fighting this vicious disease.

My Facebook to the fundraiser is here

Thank you to all who wish to support the American Cancer Society this month.

This is probably an exercise in futility, but everyday I’ve been keeping track of articles that I want to write about. Sometimes they are human interest stories, related to deafness and other topics. Most of the time they have to do with issues affecting me and my family. These are the ones I feel most passionate about and yet I’m not writing about them because I’m too angry. There is a writer on Substack, Jeff Tiedrich, who expresses how I feel very well: fuck you, Rethuglicans. So, for instance, I am concerned about:

1.   The debt ceiling, which we may hit in about a month.  The Constitution says this country will pay its bills; the Rethuglicans say no, bill paying can be held hostage to gain massive, cruel cuts to people who are “the least of these”—meaning the poor, the people of color, the struggling middle class rapidly dwindling, and anyone else not in the 1%.

2.   Guns and gun ownership are more important to the Rethuglicans than the lives of our people, particularly children. There are more guns than people in this country. Not a day goes by without some kind of shooting, and there have been so many mass shootings that some Rethuglicans have the nerve to say: oh well, too bad about that but we’re not doing anything to change it.

3.   It’s been over two years since the attempted coup at the Capitol. Despite what the Constitution says about no traitor can serve in Congress, we still have these people not only in office but have taken over important leadership in committees. The foot soldiers have been hauled into court and punished but the generals have not.

4.   Five members of the Supreme Court have proven themselves to be as corrupt as the former guy was.

5.   Despite what the Constitution says and despite ongoing criminal investigations, the former guy says he’s running again. WTAF

6.   The icing on the cake is that 70% of Repub (notice I say Repub, reserving Rethuglican for those thugs supposedly representing representatives and senators in Congress) believe that the 2020 election was stolen, that the former guy is being persecuted, and that they’d vote for him again in 2024. Jesus wept.

7.   The persecution of trans/LGBTQ folks, suppression of the vote for people of color and Gen Z, control of women’s health choices, the banning of books, harassment of teachers and libraries continue unabated in the red states.


Some days I just can’t stand it. I get so damn mad, especially since it seems that so many are fucking complacent about it. This is the reason we need critical race theory taught. Maybe then students would learn about the complacency of the German people as Hitler rose to power, condemning the Jewish and gay and “other” communities. Look what happened because the whole country didn’t stand up and say NO to Hitler. It wasn’t just Hitler, either. There are cases of genocide in countries worldwide and what did people do? They said tsk, tsk, how sad but it doesn’t affect me.


Well, I was going to post an interesting article about the different cancers and how treating them is different, but I guess that’ll have to wait for Day 3—unless some awful new shit occurs.


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