Saturday, December 10, 2022


 I’ve always been a cat person, right from early babyhood.



Things I love about cats:

1.      They are independent and can take care of themselves in many ways that dogs can’t.

2.      They’re fun to play with and to watch them at play

3.      They seem to know when I’m not feeling well or I’m sad. That’s when they’ll come to me and hang out. Their company is comforting.

4.      I love the motor rumbling sound of their purrs. That’s very comforting too

5.      Stroking them is very relaxing, especially when they show how much they’re enjoying it.

An introduction to our gang now:

Gus is our most recent addition. He’s about 5 years old and was part of a trap-capture effort somewhere in the neighborhood. Because he’s friendly, Ted and I were under the impression he may have been an indoor-outdoor cat or possibly a feral who was being fed by friendly folks. He was a bit food aggressive in the beginning but now, after several months, he is not so frantic about food and gets along well with our other guys.

We adopted Bandit and Bootsie on the same day. Bandit’s original name (by the shelter) was LeRoy and that just didn’t fit. You can see why Bandit works. He’s a very gentle boy, the smallest of all the cats and frequently gets picked on. He can hold his own though.  He is my little alarm clock if I sleep past breakfast time, making muffins on my arms and legs until I wake up. Bandit is about 5 or 6.



Nugget is the baby, one of the rare kitties we didn’t rescue from a shelter or store or person not able to keep their furry friends. My good friend also loves cats, owning and fostering many.  One of her cats had kittens and when the litter was old enough to leave mama, she asked if we’d like one of the kittens. Oh, yes, we said.  Nugget is attached to me and son Bill, although he’s now warming up to Ted. He loves to snuggle with me or Bill, and he loves to play.

 And we're also blessed with two Grandkitties, tuxie Elvis and orange tabby Bouy.

I can’t imagine a time when I wouldn’t have a feline family member.

In memory of our feline family members that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge:









It was heart breaking to lose each of our feline family members to cancer, kidney failure, congestive heart failure and a rare blood clot disorder. We were blessed to have each and every one of them in our lives.

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