Saturday, November 19, 2022

A Whole Lot Of Stuff Going On


I thought my phone and text banking days would take a break for a while, but I’ve been signing up because Warnock/Walker inexplicably have to go in a run-off. It seems to me that there should have been no problem getting Sen Warnock re-elected but there’s just no counting on the intelligence of Walker voters. SMDH

I had minimally invasive surgery to fuse my right SI joint.  It’s amazing the pain relief it provides. I didn’t need anything more than a few puffs with my vape postop.  I am so glad I had this surgery even though my energy level has been a little low. It’s all part of the recovery; I’m taking it easy and find I’m napping every day.

I meant to update my blog after Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s speech.  How I admire her so! I think she’s been the most effective Speaker of the House in my lifetime. The first one I can remember is Sam Rayburn when I was still very young (early 60s). Following him the next couple are a blur in my mind. The next one I remember is Tip O’Neill.  Clueless about the next few until Newt Gingrich, who started this whole scorched earth business. Nancy Pelosi was sandwiched between John Boehner and Paul Ryan, who continued the scorched earth business and kiss-assed tRump.

Ah, but Nancy Pelosi!  I took notice of her especially during tRump’s administration. She was tough but spoke softly like Theodore Roosevelt suggested. She had that big stick because she could get the votes together to make Rethuglican passage of restrictive measures very difficult. I loved how she didn’t kowtow to tRump but remained calm, reasonable, and steadfast. There were times when she did make her opinion of tRump known, like “the clap” after his speech and ripping up his printed speech text.

I’ve seen the video taken by her granddaughter on January 6, 2021. The granddaughter happened to be filming a documentary. It shows Pelosi’s presence of mind during the rioting and evacuation that took place. She and Chuck Schumer were calming urging various officials to send help.  What was most touching was the concern she expressed to the Vice President when he told her he was still at the Capitol.

More details and speculation about what happen next from:

The Conversation

Dan Rather

Heather Cox Richardson

Robert Reich

I am really sad to see her stepping down as Speaker, but she will continue to represent her community and California.  She needs to be able to get out of the wicked spotlight that’s been on her, making her a target of tRumpers and the extreme far right.  Enough was enough when her husband Paul was brutally attacked.

Some people in this country just suck.

Speaking of which, in addition to the runoff in GA, we now have to deal with tRump again. Will justice ever prevail here? The man has committed enough crimes to land anyone else in jail for life, but he still walks free.  The Department of Justice has boat loads of evidence to charge him, yet Attorney General Merrick Garland chose a special prosecutor to investigate again, Jack Smith.  Investigate what? The evidence is all there already!

To make matters worse, tRump announced he is running for President again in 2024. I guess he thinks if he’s a candidate, the law can’t touch him.

Two more years of this clown spreading lies and hatred, inciting his followers to more violence. God help us all.

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