After deleting a bunch of junk mail, I came across History’s “This Day In History” newsletter. On October 30, 1938, a very young Orson Welles and his Mercury Theatre group decided to air an updated version of H.G. Wells’ book The War Of The Worlds. They didn’t realize or expect the extreme panic it caused. More details here. I learned about it in an independent reading sometime when I was a teenager and my reaction was: how dumb could people be to fall for this? A few years ago, I saw and episode of Cold Case called World’s End that gave an accurate depiction of the panic.
It seems what happened was radio listeners tuned in to the show late because they’d been listening to another show first. They thought it was real and totally freaked. I still wonder about it. How could so many people not recognize the story? How many could possibly ignore the parts of the show that clearly indicated this was fiction?
Well, then I thought about tRumpers. Not the radicalized violent followers, nor the we-know-we’re-lying-but-we-don’t-care Rethuglicans. I don’t mean them. I mean your average voter. They remind me of the people who freaked and panicked in 1938 because they believed what they were hearing. These voters are swallowing The Big Lie because it’s been repeated to them so many times it must be true. They are drinking the Kool-Aid and are wearing blinders as well. They don’t hear or see the truth and they happily vote against their own self interests.
They don’t seem to mind when their representatives and
favored famous idols say or do something cruel or commit acts of violence. They’re
either celebrating over what happened or are silent. They'll happily accept the "new normal" behavior from their representatives and heroes.
There are not even cricket sounds from our Rethuglican representatives and senators after the vicious attack on Paul Pelosi. I saw something from Mitch McConnell that condemned the violence but not a single word from the House Rethug leader, Kevin McCarthy. Some of those folk even have the nerve to mock what happened or, even worse, to celebrate it. It was a horrifying attack against an innocent victim who just happened to be married to Speaker Pelosi.
The threats against Speaker Pelosi have been
increasing. There are threats against
the members of the House Special Committee on January 6th. All of them need protective detail…but family
members don’t qualify for that protection.
That’s how that tRumper was able to break in and injure Paul
Pelosi. Now family members are being
targeted? Even organized families had an understanding to leave spouses, kids and grandkids alone.
Election officials and workers are being threatened. Armed tRumper violent militia extremists have shown up to intimidate voters.
Is this America or is it AmeriKKKa?
And are we going to accept this as the new normal? I would think that every Democrat would be loudly condemning this political violence that tRump and his cronies are inciting. I am so not impressed with the lack of strong responses from the Democrats.
I am not going to stand for this. I will get up on my pedestal and holler from my laptop. What’s happening now is NOT OKAY. I know there are others who feel as I do.
Here are other columns that I read that tie in to all of this:
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