Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Country of "What's Happenin Now?"

Every time I go to sit down and write out a blog post, like a memory of Woodstock (the concert which began on August 15, 1969), something new and exciting happens.  I am trying to figure out in which direction I should go next.

TFG’s passports have been confiscated and he is whining and screaming about that.  They’re supposed to be returned today, I think Mainstream media and TFG want to see the affidavit that went with the search warrant.  This time, DOJ said nope because release of the affidavit would put witnesses at risk and because it might compromise the investigation.

There’s a lot of information going around that TFG is being investigated for espionage with regard to those files.  I have a column I’ve set aside that explains about an espionage charge.  It’s not always about actual spying.

The threats against the DOJ, FBI, the judge who signed the search warrant, and the entire House Select January 6th investigation committee are on the rise.  There’s so much civil war/violent chatter going on that there’s a warning out for people to be aware and on the lookout.  TFG sent AG Merrick Garland a vaguely worded threat that the country’s on fire and what can TFG do to turn down the heat?  It’s like he’s saying, what do I get if I call off my killer dogs?  Already there have been attacks on the FBI offices.

The judge who signed for the recent search warrant is Jewish.  In addition to all the other hatred going on, there’s a sharp uptick in anti-Semitism too.  I have a column by Dan Rather addressing that.

Rudy Giuliani now is a “person of interest” in that coup plot scheme to steal votes from Georgia by pressuring the Secretary of State.  Senator Lindsay Graham failed again to get a subpoena for him to testify quashed.  He’ll probably keep on appealing until he has nowhere else to go, although if it gets to present day SCOTUS, he’ll get off the hook.

So, it seems like the shit is about to hit the fan for TFG and his merry band of cutthroat coup plotters, but not just for them.

There is a bunch of violent white ultra conservative supremacists who are foaming at the mouth for civil war.  I don’t go on any of those right-wing platforms but I’ve seen reports about their posts showing up on Twitter and in the news.  If (and probably when) TFG is indicted, all hell is going to break loose.  I hope that we’re prepared for it.  By we, I mean all the loyal police and military still in existence throughout the country.  Things could definitely be worse than what we’ve seen on January 6, 2021.

Having said that, we definitely should not look the other way or be more forgiving in order to keep the peace.  If we did that, there’s no question that vigilantism would rule.  It would mean that our democracy would die a not-so-long or slow death.  Times are very scary right now but the ultra-right-wing poison has been spreading for years now.  Sometimes such a crisis has to get worse before it gets better.  We have to hang in there and hope and pray we have enough democracy-patriots to stop any violence caused by violent ultra-right-wing groups.  Saying my prayers and crossing my fingers!


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