Thursday, July 7, 2022

Where Do I Even Begin?


Where do I even begin?

Of all the issues that have been going wrong this summer, this one is at the forefront of my mind today thanks to Michael Moore’s column here  I knew the killer was savvy enough to realize that he should dress up like a woman and put heavy make up over his facial tattoos.  After all, of all the mass shooters this year and any year, not a one has been a woman.  He was able to get away easily, running from the scene like any panicked woman would.

Here is what I didn’t know: Highland Park is made up of a third of citizens of the Jewish faith.  Half of the people killed were Jewish.  OH.  Why was this not reported?  That makes this, in addition to being a mass slaughter of humans, a hate crime.  But no one has said anything like that yet, and I think it’s because it hits too close to home.

We are made up of an overwhelmingly large population of hateful white supremacists.  White supremacy has been around since even before our country was founded.  White nationalists are rising again to regain “supremacy” in this country.  They claim they are Christians but they are not.  They do not follow Jesus’ teachings of love, acceptance and inclusion.  I don’t know why they think they reign supreme; we originated in Africa and the Middle East, not in white countries.  Where do they get this misbegotten notion that whites are better than everybody else?

There’s always been slavery among all the races.  One group has to subjugate another, humiliate and enslave the losers’ citizens.  It’s as old as groups of people on earth.  The US, sadly, has been no slouch at it.  It’s just that the white supremacists don’t want to face it, as the Germans did their truth about anti-Semitism and Hitler.

Since Congress has no interest in doing anything about restricting automatic killer weapons, surely there will be another mass shooting soon.  Here is a link from the FBI about what to do when (and it’s inevitable, when) there’s a mass shooting around you:

What with our do-nothing Democrats and gun control as well as seeing to it law breakers (i.e., Rethuglicans as well as violent white supremacist anarchists) face consequences, it’s no wonder no one has any confidence in the government, police, or other federal agency these days.  The obstructing Rethuglicans aren’t any help either.  Congressional legislators are at the very bottom of the heap for peoples’ confidence and trust.

Gallup Polls have been around forever and, while I’m hesitant to completely trust the results of polls, theirs have been pretty much on the up-and-up.  No one has faith in government anymore.  Approval and trust have dropped not only for federal government, it’s also down for the police, medical profession and healthcare, banks, news media, justice system state and local, and just about everywhere else you can think of except for the military.  I guess we hope our soldiers would defend the Constitution even if no one else will.  I have my doubts, to be honest.  There were military folks at the insurrection, right in the thick of it all. It’s kind of depressing to think you can’t trust your own government or formerly trusted agencies to look out for your best interests.  They used to once upon a time, or did they?

One major drop in approval was for the “Extreme” Court, rogue SCOTUS.  I feel sorry for the three clearly thinking justices (Sotomayor, Kagan and now Jackson).  They are being drowned out by the outrageously right wing Christian nationalist judges who want to strip away our fundamental rights.  I think those six are salivating at the thought of being able to totally screw up the viability of our votes.

I can’t stand the idea that my vote might become meaningless.  If they get away with it, SCOTUS can legalize all the nefarious crap tRump pulled trying to overturn the election by having the states reject votes they don’t like and reissue new electors who’ll vote the way they want.  So, in 2024, the Democrat wins the popular vote and even the Electoral College but before it can be all certified, the red states can call “do-over” so that the Rethuglican candidate would win.

That terrifies me.

Here’s another thought that terrifies me while I’m thinking about treason and white supremacists: during the House Committee Jan 6th hearings, there were video tapes of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers conferring before the Capitol assault.  I’m sure they’re all in communication with all the other hateful supremacy groups out there and I’m also sure they welcome the addition of the mass shooters with their depraved manifestos and plots.  What if they all come together in one force?

Anything is possible.  

Next on my mind: what our stinking Democratic leadership should be doing to protect women's health rights...and all our other fundamental rights~

Also: why did it take 60 bullets to stop an unarmed Jayden Walker at a traffic stop but the Highland Park mass killer was arrested without incident?  Could is be an issue of race?  One man was black; the other, white.  Guess which is which.

More SCOTUS: why are right wing Christians coming in to pray with the justices IN the Supreme Court?  Inquiring minds want to know.

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