Friday, May 27, 2022

Gen Z Rocks!

There’s a lot to admire about Gen Z.  They are the generation coming up the ranks now and are between 10 and 25 years old.  Most of our grandchildren are “zoomers” and I’m glad that’s another name for them because they remind me of us Baby Boomers when we were young.  We were the generation that brought down a President (Lyndon B. Johnson) because of the unpopular Viet Nam War.  I don’t remember seeing such a movement with Gen X or Millennials as I’m seeing now with young people.

Gen Z kids are a lot more tech savvy than us old fogey Boomers.  They’re as passionate, if not more, than we ever were about wars, the environment, racial injustice and other social issues.  Three examples right off the bat:

Greta Thunberg who, at 15, staged a one student protest about climate change that inspired many more young people to speak up and DO something.  She has an abrasive quality to her manner but that’s perfectly understandable: she’s tired of the bullshit denials and platitudes of those who won’t legislate and change how we use our resources.  She will be a formidable young woman.  She is 19 now and will go far.

Then there’s David Hogg, survivor of the Margery Stoneman Douglas school massacre in 2018.  After that, in spite of being stalked by the lunatic Congressfool Marjorie Taylor Greene, has organized protests against gun violence and has become a gun control advocate.  Right now, he’s involved in organizing marches in several large cities this June 11 to protest gun violence.  He’s 22 years old now and a student at Harvard.  I would like to see him run for public office.

I don’t want to leave out Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan, the girl who would be educated and was shot in the head for it.  She’s a human rights activist now for women’s rights and is 24.

Other Zoomers:

Amanda Gorman, the youngest US poet laureate, who recently wrote another moving poem in the aftermath of the Uvalde massacre

Athletes Simone Biles, Naomi Osaka, Chloe Kim, and Lydia Ko

More actors/actresses and singers/musicians than I can name

Zoomers have protested injustice against people of color and LGBTQ.  Kids walked out of their classes this week to protest the lack of response from our do-nothing Congress about yet another massacre of children so close on the mass murder of elderly black people.

I am thrilled to see so many Gen Z entering into politics.  I will vote for them and I look forward to positive changes they will make.

Confused by all the generations?  Check out this link:


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