About a week ago, Robert Reich wrote a couple of columns about stress and anxiety. We’ve got so much more sources of stress, which causes anxiety, anger and then depression. In the first piece, one of the points he made are the resulting feelings from all that stress isn’t necessarily a mental illness. I agree with that.
Being afraid of exposure/getting covid isn’t related to my usual depression/anxiety. I am immunosuppressed and so I do worry about getting really sick.
The march toward fascism and all those worries and fears aren’t related to my usual depression/anxiety. We are in real danger of losing our democracy. I don’t want to live in a country in which I’ve lost fundamental freedoms. Naturally I’m upset about the possibility.
Prices keep rising. We are on a fixed income. Worry and stress about how we’ll manage long term isn’t related to my usual depression/anxiety. How the frig are we to afford everything when prices are going beyond our range? And I’m not talking luxuries. I mean food, power to the house, gas for the car and other essentials.
I get what Reich was referring to and I agree.
So, what happens? The Department of Health and Human Services is now is recommending that doctors screen for anxiety in adults under the age of 64. Why don’t they screen for us seniors 65 and over? It turns out there’s very little adequate measures for us old folk. I guess it’s assumed we’re all just contentedly sitting in our rockers on the front porch. Riiiight.
The next day, Reich asked how we cope with all this stress we’re under. For me, and for many, conventional therapy and anti-depressants/anxiety meds are okay but they don’t help all that much because of powerlessness. Therapy and pills can’t change my vulnerability to illness, losing democracy, or the ability to support myself. What does help is getting back a sense of power.
How? In the past I was an activist that marched, walked picket lines and sat in to support health care for all and accommodating the needs of people with disabilities. I can’t do all that now BUT I can work phone banks supporting candidates who support our Constitution, want to protect our fundamental rights, and to treat everyone fairly. I support Andy Kim, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex, and all the Dems running in swing or other states. It gives me a real feeling of satisfaction; I’m not just sitting stewing and watching things happen. I’m doing something. The other thing that helps me deal with all the stress is writing in my private journal and in this blog.
There’s one more way I deal with all this stress and it’s all through Dan Rather’s piece this past Sunday: Please Take Care Of You. The other best way for me to deal with stress is to relax with my family members where stressful news is verboten. We catch up on what we’re doing and then watch a movie or series together.
Even more helpful than that is to go out and appreciate nature. I find going to the ocean and walking on the beach or boardwalk to be very healing because the sounds of the waves are soothing and the salt spray is refreshing and pleasing. The ocean isn’t all that close to us so my next choice is going to a park and walking one of the trails, communing with trees, birds, deer, and other walkers. It’s in these places that I feel care and comfort from Nature.
That’s how I’m dealing with it. How about you?